I looked at the mission and started off by saying "Meh". And then I looked closer. And closer. And closer. And then I hit my head on the computer screen. Slapstick comedy doesn't translate well into text, but I was still pretty shocked on close analysis. These missions are vicious! Hello chaps and chapettes, we're working late in the classroom now because Games Workshop won;t let up with the new edition reveals. You'd think they wanted us to get hyped up over 9th Edition or something! This mission is a very clear indicator of the direction they want to move in, and I have to say I am very impressed, and think the speed of games is going to go through the roof! First up, go and read my thoughts on why the points costs are changing. The TL;DR is that it can help increase the speed of games, but I dive into the economics of it too. Now, look at the mission above, taken from Warhammer Community. A couple of things should stand out to you. The distance between deplo...