
Showing posts from August, 2017

Sorry! Having a baby!

Well not me personally, but my wife is. So no blog for the next couple of days. Yes, this is an absolute perfect storm of moving house, new baby, and new job on top of all the other things that have happened in the last two months. But what's life without this chaos? Well, perhaps a life with more time for plastic soldiers. Okay, my wife is glaring at me now. I guess we'd better go to hospital. Until next time! Completely unrelated picture Thanks for reading. If you liked what you saw, and you want to help out, please leave a comment. Sharing this with your friends, and following me on Twitter , Facebook or Google+ would also be hugely appreciated. If you have anything you want me to look at, let me know in the comments below. I'll probably be able to write an article about that topic within a day! If you want to support me directly, use the affiliate links below. I get a small percentage of purchases you make her, and you get cheaper miniatures!...

Space Marine Unit Spotlight: An Inceptor Review

Last week I looked at Aggressors, and it sparked a few conversations. One of the ideas that came up was comparing the various bolter fire support units that the Space Marine Codex has to offer. In a sentence, the Aggressors actually come out on top of the traditional bolter infantry (Sternguard, heavy bolter centurions, heavy bolter Devastators) in terms out raw output. There are of course other niches those units fill (Sternguard in drop pods being a key one of them), but those kinds of questions are what I hope these analyses bring up. So now let's look at the new Fast Attack; Inceptors. I'll be honest, the first time I saw them I was not very impressed. I thought they looked a little like flying nuns with power armoured wimples. But they'v grown on me, and after painting up a few, I really like the design! So let's dive in on how ti use them effectively. As a caveat here, this is simply advice. The first and most important rule is "Have Fun", and the...

Space Marine Unit Spotlight: An Aggressor Review

Last Monday I looked at the Reivers, and gave my opinion on how best they are used. This week, we'll be looking at the aptly named Aggressors, and why my initial thoughts of them being a defensive unit are very wrong. Let's dive into the this brand new, surprisingly fast, style of Marine play! As a caveat here, this is simply advice. The first and most important rule is "Have Fun", and the second is "Play Your Dudes(TM)". This is just to give you a heads up on any challenges you may face, or tricks you can pull with the units you want. The third most important rule is "Most People on The Internet Are Wrong, Especially Bloggers". If you think something is wrong, let me know in comments down below. I don't have any pictures of my own Aggressors... because I don't have any :( I am completely unable to shamelessly plug my Space Marine Field Police   Overview (TL;DR) As the name suggests, these are your aggressive hammers to your In...

Sorry! Moving House!

As title says. Sorry for not uploading anything, as my computer is somewhat in-between buildings right now. This post comes to you from a work laptop which I've sneaked away to work on. Here are some sneak peak pictures for what's to come later: Thanks for being patient. Normal service will resume... er... hopefully next week? Thanks for reading. If you liked what you saw, and you want to help out, please leave a comment. Sharing this with your friends, and following me on Twitter , Facebook or Google+ would also be hugely appreciated. If you have anything you want me to look at, let me know in the comments below. I'll probably be able to write an article about that topic within a day! If you want to support me directly, use the affiliate links below. I get a small percentage of purchases you make her, and you get cheaper miniatures! If you really love what I do here, you can make a one off donation at my  PayPal , or become a true hero to table...

Game of Thrones Themed 40K Army, and Chaos Renegades

I was watching Game of Thrones last night, along with approximately 70% of the TV viewing public, dreaming up lists to re-imagine the army barbecue on screen. In a somewhat fortunate twist, Chaos Renegades are happy to oblige! The Renegades are true Chaotic Evil, attacking with reckless abandon. Unlike the World Eaters, their theme is not acting like a big mass of whirling chain blades and flying bits of chunky salsa. No, their theme is a fast moving  mass of whirling chain blades and flying bits of chunky salsa, with copious amounts of fire thrown in for good measure. Advance and charge. LEEEEROYYY JEEEEEEEEENKINSSSSS!!!! So yes, this is a combat themed army, and not much more to it. Icon of Fury is your friend here, and bikes with their flat bonus to advancing are really very good. First turn charges are not just a possibility, but standard if you load up on chain sword equipped bikers. There's a little more strategy to be had... flamers and melta guns can be fired...

Space Marine Unit Spotlight: A Reivers Review

Last Monday I looked at the Intercessors, and gave my opinion on how best they are used. This week we'll be focusing on the sneaky, scary Reivers. These are my favourite part of the new codex, so much so that I'm tempted to throw all my pennies into making a Ninja Space Marine chapter just to buy more of them! Let's see why... As a caveat here, this is simply advice. The first and most important rule is "Have Fun", and the second is "Play Your Dudes(TM)". This is just to give you a heads up on any challenges you may face, or tricks you can pull with the units you want. The third most important rule is "Most People on The Internet Are Wrong, Especially Bloggers". If you think something is wrong, let me know in comments down below. Brother Fett of the Space Marine Field Police Bounty Hunters Overview (TL;DR) These are the best new harassing unit in the Codex. Terminators can be tougher and hit harder, Assault Marines can bring more ...