The Complete Blood Angels Beginner Guide: Your First Army
So we've had a look at Background Lore, the Troops, and Key Elements to the Blood Angels army. Now let's look at getting you your first 500 point patrol! If you don't want to think about it, and are just itching to get into games, the Start Collecting Kit from Blood Angels will give you enough for just under 500 points. In brief: Terminator Captain with Thunder Hammer Baal Predator with Twin-linked Assault Canon and Heavy Bolter side sponsons 5-Marin tactical squad with Combi-plasma and plasma gun 5-Marine tactical squad with Power weapon/hand flamer sergeant and a heavy or regular flamer I'm not going into detail on that force though. Each individual component is fine, but they don't work well together. The Captain is slower than the Tacticals, and wants to get into melee. He's the only one who can Deep Strike, but suicide missions aren't great for your Warlord. The Tacticals would prefer to get some But that's not to say it's a b...