Primaris Space Marine Field Police Inceptor Gallery

I be sick. Beyond man-flu sick, to actual sick. This is why I haven't updated the blog in a few days.

That's not to say I took time of school work willingly. It got to Thursday before my boss threatened to call in sick for me, and drag me off to the school medical centre. So I took that day off. I snuck in on Friday though, and taught my classes.

If you're wondering why, setting and marking cover work is just not worth the day off.

Anyway, last week I finished off my Space Marine Field Police Inceptors. Here they are:

primaris space marine inceptors inceptor field police white space marine

The pose on the right Inceptor was a structural decision more than an artistic one. The poor guy kept slipping off of his mounting, so I glued him in by the foot as well. Makes for a lovely dynamic pose.

primaris space marine inceptors inceptor field police white space marine

primaris space marine inceptors inceptor field police white space marine

primaris space marine inceptors inceptor field police white space marine

primaris space marine inceptors inceptor field police white space marine

I've spent way too much time writing up back story for these guys, but they finally have the mesh between fluff (lore), crunch (rules), and style (painting) that I've been looking for. I'll let you know what that is soon.

Until next time!

Thanks for reading.

If you liked what you saw, and you want to help out, please leave a comment. Sharing this with your friends, and following me on Twitter, Facebook or Google+ would also be hugely appreciated.

If you have anything you want me to look at, let me know in the comments below. I'll probably be able to write an article about that topic within a day!

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