T'au Mu'gulath Bay Cadre Fireblade Conversion Gallery

Finishing off a conversion job I started a long time ago, the Cadre Fireblade is complete just in time for the release of the 8th Edition T'au Codex.

My Mu'gulath Bay T'au are unlike most other sept worlders. Having been subjected to the worst Exterminatus inflicted by the Imperium, as well as being the target of a huge crusade and focal point for the literal ripping of space-time into the warp, the Mu'gulath T'au in my army are not the happiest bunnies in the Empire.

None more so than this Fireblade, who has felt some distinctly un-Greater Good feelings stirring in his chest after seeing his universe literally torn apart around him. His armour is whispered to have been ripped from a Space Marine in single combat, and loaded with the usual suites and devices available to a Fireblade. Crippled from a suicidal charge a Leman Russ mounted Knight Commander with a sack of EMP grenades, he now rides a modified drone to battle.

At his core he is still a T'au, and his growing brutality is still restrained by a core set of ideals about bettering the galaxy... at least for now. He leads his cadre with a eerie aura of focus, clear torment held in check by iron discipline. A very conflicted T'au.

Well, his back story and name need some work. But I'm really pleased with how the model turned out!

t'au tau cadre fireblade conversion mugulath bay mu'gulath

t'au tau cadre fireblade conversion mugulath bay mu'gulath

t'au tau cadre fireblade conversion mugulath bay mu'gulath

t'au tau cadre fireblade conversion mugulath bay mu'gulath

t'au tau cadre fireblade conversion mugulath bay mu'gulath

t'au tau cadre fireblade conversion mugulath bay mu'gulath

t'au tau cadre fireblade conversion mugulath bay mu'gulath

Until next time!

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