Primaris Space Marine Paint Planner

The good chaps over at Games Workshop marketing have just released a bit of fluff on the Ultima Founding, the latest crop of Space Marine chapters.

These are all based around the Primaris Space Marines, so expect your current Marines to fade away. Again, not a bad thing, as it's just a shift to True Scale Space Marines that still lets you play with your old stuff whilst you transition.

To help you buy their new models, Games Workshop have also given you a nifty line drawing of a Primaris Space Marine, so you can plan your new Chapter.

Now I'm certain they didn't intend to add all those little gaps in the lines making it hard for you to use simple drawing editors to plan your marines on computer, nor did they realise how difficult it would be to do so on .pdf format.

So I fixed it for them. Here's the same thing with the gaps filled in, and in easy to edit .jpeg format. Don't worry Gee Dubs... Tabletop Teacher's got your back!

UPDATE: The .jpeg was getting some weird artefacts on each copy, so now it's in .png. It should work in MS Paint now, but let m know if there are any problems.

In all seriousness, I've done this for my student neophytes to plan their paint schemes. I sincerely don't know why Games Workshop decided to make computer editing more challenging for people, and I can only assume it was done for some kind of Copyright reasons. But it might just be some more benign reasons, such as a dodgy re-scale. Ether way, if someone from GW wants me to take it down, just let me know.

Until next time!

Thanks for reading.

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  1. Anyone got a good app for this I'm on a tablet

    1. If I see any pop up I'll make a post about it. For now, all I have to offer are the old Space Marine Painters over on Bolter and Chainsword (

      A bit clunky on a tablet, but it's fairly comprehensive.

  2. any chance you know of a Stormcast painter aswell ?
    seems like a missed opportunity by GWs in my eyes...

  3. So what are you actually using to color in this line sketch? As when I use MS paint, so something like it, it doesn't fill in anything other than tiny dots or a random large splotch.

    1. MS Paint, but having just copied it from the web page and tried it I get the same issue. Must be the artefacts from using .jpeg. When I get a chance I'll re-upload as a .png, see if that helps.

      Thanks for letting me know! I usually send the original out as an email to students, but something must have gone wrong with the upload.

    2. Strange, but thank you so much, I really appreciate it! Been trying to find a source that works, so your work on this is greatly appreciated! If emailing works more efficiently, and you are okay with it, I'd very much be willing to give you mine. Totally understand if that is only viable for you students.

    3. I think my comment got deleted or never went through.
      Thank you for all the hard work, it's greatly appreciated! If it's alright and more convenient, I would be more than willing to give you my email. If not, totally understand.

    4. Any chance of getting that .png version uploaded? Thanks very much if you can!

    5. Uploaded. Took a while on my work laptop, but it appears to be working just fine in MS Paint. Let me know if there are any more problems!

    6. Thanks so much! I'll check it out in the morning (0017 here at the moment).

  4. How do I use this on the Bolter & Chainsword Painters? Or are there any others I could use for this? I just used the 1d4chan's Creation Tables to make a Primaris Space Marine Successor to the Space Wolves.

    Life is great, isn't it?

    1. MS Paint works fine, but you'll need to get the Citadel paint colours from here:

      Sadly, MS Paint doesn't allow you to edit colours by hex codes, so I take those numbers and plug them into this site:

      ... which you can get the RGB numbers from. Yeah it's a pain in the neck. I think I'll need to do a post of just the RGB codes for each Citadel paint at some point.

  5. What program do you use to paint the primaris painter?

    1. Just MS paint, but sometimes there's a weird blurring that happens with image that means it doesn't fill very well. Are you getting that problem?

  6. Anyone doing a tank version of this for impulsor or rhino chassis base?


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